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State Rail Level Crossing

Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning

Barker Ryan Stewart was engaged by Lindsay Dynan to provide Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) road safety audit reports for 20 railway level crossing sites across New South Wales between Ben Bullen and Ivanhoe.

This included a site inspection conducted by a Level 3 and Level 2 Road Safety Auditor at each location and producing a corresponding road safety audit report. The reports aimed to identify and catalogue road safety risks at each site location for assessment and possible intervention by the RMS.

The sites took the road safety audit team through more than a few interesting locations. Considering the distance between the BRS Norwest office and the furthest point in Ivanhoe is 775km, it’s safe to say the round trip was a long one. The road safety audits will lead to making the rail and road interfaces safer for all vehicles that pass through them, either by intervention works or within general maintenance processes that were recommended within the reports.

If you would like to find out more about what a road safety audit entails you can read and download the BRS whitepaper here, and if you require the services of a qualified auditor please contact us.

Project Details


Lindsay Dynan


Western NSW


Traffic Engineering

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